Thursday, December 20, 2007

Hey dude , I'm posting this post bcoz I m so pissed off at the past 4 hours.

Knw de ppl will knw .. WHy and the god damn stupid thing ..

I dont even care how U feel .. and blablabla the reason u giv me .. Coz , who cares ?

If u dislike me , plz tel , dont makes thing complicated .. I hate that feelings.. [PISSED OFF]

No one will go at the last minute okay , I thk neither of u will ... Miss V told me to be happy and not to be so emo , and She's juz a little kid , and kid will definitely do childish things.. and I dont care at all..

I only care my frens , but i thk .. I will nid some times to cool down , AND THE TWO FACES PPL , PLX GET RID OF IT.. AND GET OUT OF MY WAY .. I NO NID SOMEONE THAT SO Bo KUAN and gone too far.. Although it was ur special day , last word for ya , hope ur stupid wishes will comes true and ur beloved will love wif a childish sehkia LA , he wont , if u still a two faces bitch.. REALLY SORRY FOR USING FOUL LANGUAGES, BUT I m very pissed off now , sandy knw the feelings of pissed off , coz i used to make her angry , SORRY XIAO MO << ty for the concern.. and Miss V too.


Anonymous said...


You shouldve knwn abt this okay
You're always too kind and naive to help your so-called BEST FRIENDS. See how ppl treated u?
It doesnt mean u gave out how much then they wil automatically repay u that much..SOmetimes some friends dont deserve that.

Bu Jing Yi Shi, BU Zhang Yi zhi.

isit like that? i not sure abt the yan yu.. haha

a lesson.

Vivian said...

I saw my name, like, Twice. -.-"